My Perfect Planet – School project

As part of our Language Arts curriculum, we embarked on a fascinating project called “Our Perfect Planet.” Our class had been engrossed in the book, “The Last Cuentista,” which happens to be a favorite of our LA teacher. The story follows Petra and her family as they journey to a new planet, named Sagan, after a comet hits Earth. Inspired by the book, we set out to create our own ideal planet.

Our task was to imagine and design a planet that would meet all of our essential needs and desires. We drew on our creativity and knowledge of the world to come up with unique features and characteristics for our perfect planet.

Here is what I wrote:

My planet, Planet Natura, is located in the Andromeda galaxy and is home to a diverse population of 10,000 people from various ethnicities and races. There are 5,000 men and 5,000 women on the planet, and each person has a pet with the same physical features and friendly behavior of a gremlin that accompanies them everywhere, even to school.

The planet offers four equally-ranked schools that teach math, computer science, and astronomy to children without any grading system.

With an abundance of water and excellent weather, Planet Natura has only two seasons: Winter and Spring. The snow is light blue in winter and light orange in the fall, with temperatures ranging from 20-30 degrees Fahrenheit. There are two sides of the planet, with one side having warm snow and the other cold snow, depending on the season. In Spring, the temperature averages around 70-80 degrees Fahrenheit.

Money is non-existent on Planet Natura, and individuals have the opportunity to customize their physical features, including hair, height, and weight. Everyone has infinite lives, and there are no leaders, ranks, or hierarchies.

Sightseeing on the planet includes 10,000 to 20,000-foot tall mountains made of ice with different trails that are protected by an invisible wall. Red lines on the ground indicate the boundary of the wall.

The planet’s inhabitants have access to advanced technology and an equal number of robots as humans, with one robot per family, and others to help out around the planet. People on the planet play three main sports: basketball, soccer, and handball, and 16 teams participate in monthly tournaments. Each game lasts 60 minutes, with different playing times depending on the sport.

There are two separate tournaments for kids and adults, organized by age groups. Although there are no leaders on the planet, there are people designated to help mediate disputes and controversial conversations.

Thanks for reading!

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